The MULO di PROVA Story

The literal translation of MULO di PROVA in English is Test Mule. In the car world this means a working prototype, test bed or experimental vehicle. So, we think that MULO di PROVA beautifully encapsulates the experience of running an old, obsolete, non-perfect classic car. You are always fixing, testing, experimenting, improving and every journey is an adventure!

We also think that MULO di PROVA is a way of life and there's a bit of the MULO in all of us here at MULO HQ in Woolloongabba. We try to lead MULO lives, seeking out new adventures and taking risks - where we can. We wear MULO clothes and, most importantly, we drive/fix/celebrate/swear at MULO cars.

And talking of cars, that's where it all started for us. We love old, analogue, smelly, noisy cars from the last century, but we never found the right crowd to share them with, so we started our own crowd and we called it MULO di PROVA.

But, MULO di PROVA is not a car club. There is no constitution, committee, president or monthly dues. There ain't no advice either - look elsewhere for a guide to overhauling your Fandango MK2's double overhead flange poo-poo valve extractor pump. We're here for fun, camaraderie and sharing the MULO experience.

And like it says on the tee shirt: DRIVE OLD, LOOK GOOD.

The MULO team

Here's the motley crew behind the brand. Designers, developers, photographers, marketers, models and racing drivers.

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